Gift Voucher Terms and Conditions

Changes to Gift Card Expiry Dates and Fees

The NSW Government has introduced a mandatory minimum expiry period of 3 years for gift cards and gift vouchers sold to a consumer in NSW, as well as a ban on post-purchase administration fees, starting 31 March 2018. The new requirements have been made by amendment to the Fair Trading Act 1987.

The changes aim to strike a fairer economic balance for consumers and businesses in the gift card market. The reforms give consumers access to the full value of their gift card over a reasonable period, while maintaining a workable business model for traders. Click here for more details.

  • When do the changes start?

    The reforms started on 31 March 2018. The reforms do not apply to gift cards and vouchers purchased by consumers before 31 March 2018. The terms and conditions in place at the date of purchase of those cards will continue to apply.

  • Three-year minimum expiry period

    The new law sets a mandatory minimum expiry period of 3 years for most gift card products. The period begins from the date a gift card is sold to a consumer (issue date).